Sunday, April 17, 2011

Local Fruits - Chempedak


Chempedak, chempedek or cempedak (pronounced "chem-pe-dak"; (Artocarpus integer syn. Artocarpus champeden (Thunb.) Merr., Artocarpus polyphema Pers.) is a species of tree and its fruit in the family Moraceae. It is native to southeast Asia (Indonesia), occurring from Indonesia, Malaya Peninsula to the island of Papua New Guinea. It has been introduced to Queensland, Australia. 

The vigorously growing, medium-sized tree can bear heavy crops of fruit once or twice a year. There are many varieties, although few are named. The sausage-shaped fruits range from 22 to 50 centimetres in length and 10 to 17 cm across. The edible arils surrounding the large seeds are yellow, orange or green in colour. The taste of the fruit is similar to the related Jackfruit and Breadfruit with a hint of Durian. The sweet, juicy pulp surrounds the seeds in a thick layer between the husk and an inedible core. The green skin is thin and leathery, patterned with hexagons that are either flat or raised protuberances like jackfruit skin. Unlike the jackfruit flesh, the chempedak flesh is much more softer and sweeter.

The fruit is very popular in its native area, and is becoming so in Queensland. Fritters made by dipping arils in batter and frying in oil are sold in the streets of Malaysia. This is also grown and eaten in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala states of India. This is known as "Panasapandu" in Telugu and "Chakka" in Malayalam.

Chempedak is a wild and also widely cultivated fruit tree of Malaysia and Indonesia. Although symmetrical and conical in shape in nature, in cultivation it is often irregular. All parts of the tree contain latex. In appearance, chempedak fruit is similar to jakfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), to which it is closely related, in a sub-group of the breadfruit genus. The green, yellow or orangish brown skin is divided into small hexagons and either smooth or covered with small protrusions. It is cylindrical in shape, 25 to 45 cm long by 10 to 15 cm across, 1-6 kg in weight. 

Like the jak, it is a syncarp, composed of fleshy arils or segments, 30-45 mm across, colored pale yellow, yellow, orange or green. Each aril surrounds a seed. Texture is firm, somewhat fibrous, sweet and rich. Compared with jak, chempedak is sweeter and has less acidity. It has a strong aroma. Consumers like its light and delicate texture. The seeds, 15-25 mm across, are also edible, and an outstanding resource. Unlike jakfruit seeds, they have a thin, edible seedcoat.

The chempedak tree is rapid growing, and does not require a lot of care except in the early establishment phase, where microclimate control (shade, irrigation and staking) is recommended. When it grows a few meters tall, however, full sun is recommended, since overshaded trees will grow too tall for easy harvest. 

The smaller version fully-grown tree is 9-12 m tall, and bears most of its fruit on the lower branches and trunk. Chempedaks vary in yield, however very heavy crops are common. Selected cultivars can be grafted onto chempedak or jakfruit, but seedling propagation is usual. Trees fruit in 3-5 years from planting out.

Young trees have thin stems, and may be damaged by wind. The bark is subject to disease attack, and tree surgery may be required in later years. Insects are not usually a problem because the leaves are protected by wiry hairs, and the immature fruit has latex in it. However fallen or hanging fruits are attractive to wildlife, especially Brush turkeys in Queensland, and perhaps similar megapodial birds or omnivorous mammals elsewhere. Since some fruit are borne close to the ground, ungulates may consume them directly. In Malaysia the most prominent visitors are monkeys which can smell and choose the ripe fruits and eat them straight away on the trees.

If there is an over-supply, the fruit may be picked early and consumed as a vegetable like jakfruit. For ripe consumption, size of protuberances or smoothness of skin in some cultivars, change of skin colour, and yellowing of the peduncle (fruit stem) are all guides to maturity. The fruit peduncle will easily break and the harvested fruits, with their long thin peduncles can be ripened at home or stored for later market sale. Cool room storage will extend life. The season lasts about 6 weeks, but different districts may come into season earlier or later depending on latitude and altitude. Close to the Equator two seasons may occur.

Chempedak has great promise as a "new" tropical fruit outside its current area of distribution. It has heretofore been eclipsed by its better-known "big brother," jakfruit. However many of those who know jak will immediately be attracted to chempedak. As a backyard or orchard tree it can provide valuable carbohydrates, protein and vitamins. The fact that it has two separate, different-tasting components makes it even more appealing. As a tree crop it can replace a portion of the starch and protein in one’s diet otherwise requiring annual cropland.

On the agronomic side, N.B.Mendiolo, A.J.H.Corner and Roberto Coronel have all reported on the interchangeability of jak and chempedak characteristics. In Queensland the Malaysian cv "China" (pron. "cheena") is sold as a hybrid between the two species. Coronel (1983) considers this apparent natural hybridization "a hindrance to rapid propagation of chempedak and popularization of its culture," and suggests future clonal propagation.

How to Use Chempedak

Apart from raw consumption of the arils and cooking quite immature as a vegetable, there are delicious ways to prepare chempedak.

Chempedak Fritters
This is a delicious and complete food.
Ingredients: Batter for deep frying; whole arils with seeds still inside; flavourings to taste.
Method: Dip arils in batter and deep fry until seed is cooked--about 10 minutes. Serve plain as snack, at market or roadside stall or with rice and vegetables on the side.
Chempedak Seeds
The uses of these are only limited by the consumer’s imagination.
Preparation: Remove from arils. Boil until a fork can break a seed, or a little less if using following recipe.
Fried Chempedak Seeds 
Method: Fry boiled seeds in a pan with shallow oil. Don't remove seed coats. With care, they will come off seeds and become nicely crisped. Time of frying can be varied to taste. Light frying gives a starchier taste. Breaking of seeds with implement and longer frying results in a dish like hash-brown potatoes.

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